Monday, March 20, 2006

Doodle of the Day -- 3-20-2006

Last night Cathie and I watched "Walk the Line." We thought that overall this was a great movie. We also thought that Joaquin Phoenix deserved an award for his representation of Johnny Cash. On the other hand, we were not impressed with Reese Witherspoon's performance.

This movie touched both of us emotionally. However, it touched us in different ways. Cathie thought that the movie was sad and heart-breaking. I thought it was emotional because it made me think of my grandfather. November 7th of this year will be the 10th anniversary of his passing.

I have many great memories of my grandfather. Some of the best ones were at his hunting camp in Ludlow, PA. I remember sitting in his bedroom listening to Johnny Cash 8-tracks. My grandfather loved the "Man in Black."

Seeing that movie last night inspired me to draw a portrait of him. This was based on a photograph I have of him in 1987.
John Zelina (June 11, 1921 - November 7, 1996) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Lou, I really cannot express the feelings i have right now. You captured grandpa magnificently. He was so important to so many people in different ways. We are lucky to have known him, but he will always linger within all of us. Not a day goes by that I wish I had "one more day" with him. He was so full of wisdom............
Thank you for a beautiful portrait of made me smile with memories.

Cate said...

Your portrait moved me, Lou. I'm so glad that you created this, but I'm esp. grateful that you were willing to share it (and your recollections) with the world.

verniciousknids said...

That's beautiful - thank you.

Lou said...


He was a great man and is missed very much.


You're very welcome for sharing. I enjoyed drawing it.



And thanks to all of you for coming by and commenting on this post.

Vern Mercado said...

Thank you for this story. I will spend time with my mom and father-in-law with these thoughts.

Lou said...


I'm glad this had some meaning for you and that you will in turn spend time with your loved ones. Thanks for stopping by!