Monday, May 14, 2007

Illustration Friday -- Citrus

When I saw this week's topic was Citrus, I had a pretty good idea what I was going to draw. I did my second favorite drink of the summer, lemonade. (Iced tea being my first:) )

Here is the sketch of a cut lemon with a glass of lemonade.

I thought it needed more color to it because it looked like fruit next to a glass. So, I added color. Here is the color version.


Anonymous said...

Good work. Glass and transparency are very hard to draw. Nevertheless, there seems to be something strange in the equilibrium of the citrus: it looks as it was stick on the table. Continue.

Lou said...

yes, I noticed it after I drew the glass. I guess the juice from the lemon caused it to stick in this manner.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Andrea said...

The color adds so much to this one. You've just reminded me, I love lemonade!

Lou said...

Hey, A. Been a long time. Thanks for stopping back and commenting.

Kstyles said...

Nice work. Makes me thirsty.

steve said...

Great job Lou! I can tell it's a lemon even without the color. I like how you made it on lined paper as well.

Tony LaRocca said...

Now if you could just draw me a bottle of Jack Daniels alongside of it...

Lee said...

heh, I'm with tony ;) I like the color version too...great job shading the ice!